International Workshop for
String Chamber Music - English Version

Foto: © Jana Groß
The Thüringer Landesmusikakademie Sondershausen is offering an International Workshop for String Chamber Music during the summer holidays under the direction of Yasuko Ogata, music school teacher for cello. The workshop is primarily aimed at the young string players, but is also open to all other instruments in chamber music ensembles.
In addition to the lessons, there will be time for musical encounters and individual practice.
In keeping with tradition, the young musicians invite the public to a concert at the end of the International Workshop for String Chamber Music on 2 August 2025 at 5 pm to present what they have learned in the workshop.
Kurs, WorkshopCity
SondershausenEvent location
Thüringer Landesmusikakademie SondershausenInstructor
Yasuko Ogata (violoncello), Yoko Kitaura (violine), Andrzej Berezynski (correpetition)Target audience
young string players
Participants up to 26 Years: 583,25 €
(course fee: 260 €, bed and breakfast in a double room: 164 €, catering: 159,25 €)
Participants aged 27 and over: 741,25 €
(course fee: 260 €, bed and breakfast in a double room: 308 €, catering: 173,25 €)
Single room supplement: 10 € per night